Meditation; What is it? How to do it?

For most, meditation is perceived to be a relaxing exercise sistered with yoga. While often defined as a deep-breathing exercise whilst poised in a quiet environment, meditation is far more spiritual than one may first perceive, and there is no “right way” to meditate. For the spiritual community, meditation allows for individuals to slip into a state of higher consciousness, one stripped of thought and swimming with internal energy. By gradually transferring energy from chakra to chakra, individuals gain a sense of control of their spiritual energy and can even harness this said energy to unlock various senses (such as a sixth sense or more). 

For the uneducated, within the human body, there exists seven various chakras. When meditating, it is very common for internal energy to awaken or stir one or various chakras within the human body, as the mind gradually drifts from focusing on the song stuck in one’s head, to the physical spiritual energy flowing throughout the body. As the individual becomes more in tune with the energy, the energy may grow, be transferable, and easily controlled. Of course, meditation is not the single key required to activate chakras, as nothing is so simple. Through a little research, the answer comes simple. maxresdefault

As an individual who meditates, there is definitely a rule of silence or controlled background noise required for efficient meditation. Depending on one’s own sound preference, the various backgrounds individuals prefer when meditating can vary from complete silence, to the beauty of chimes, rain or curling waves of the ocean. »Interested? Check out these videos under: Quicklinks→Waking Up→Meditation: Background Noise«While the natural beauty of sound may help distract or relax one’s mind, the focus of meditation is to control the vibration of internal energy. After all, energy is, by definition, a vibration. For various types of meditation, there are various vibrations that individuals may care to harness and use to control or unlock certain chakras or spiritual experiences, such as astral projectionopening the third eye, and many more. These videos are created for the sole purpose of assisting to create our own vibrations with its own base, or simple relaxation or another form of focus -also known as binaural beats-. For the inexperienced, these videos may be very helpful. For the more experienced, just like the characters in DBZ, it becomes more and more leicht and automatic to create these vibrations by oneself.

Meditation allows individuals to greater connect with their own soul and allow them to understand themselves better than ever before. Before further discussion, the term “connecting with the inner-self” does not imply the connection of the wielder of one’s body to another more sophisticated or spiritual member within the same body. Rather, it is connecting and awakening the wielder of the body into awareness that they have a spirit and how to interact through it. A body is what the spirit inhabits. To control the body is easy. To find the core soul and break away from the body, learning ow to interact through the soul and not the body, is what the term implies. also known as the “inner-one” this is simply our greater consciousness that we may not even be aware how to control, or that we even have one. It is a part of ourselves that we have not been taught about in school, but it very well exists. There exists a theory that children are born naturally seeing auras, though fierce criticism often strikes down this claim. 


Either indoors or outdoors, meditation may occur anywhere, so long as the meditation is not uncomfortably distracted. I, myself, have meditated in a public room -one created for peace and quiet, such as the Zen Den at California State University, Chico-, and become tossed from my focus after just one unexpected cough or a shifting of sheets and blankets. Giggles especially, or any unexpected and high-decibel noise (when compared to the environment) are greatly distracting and often frightening, as just like preparing for sleep, being shaken by any unexpected sound or movement is very dismal. A suitable environment varies greatly to the satisfaction of the individual, be it a beach, rock garden, meditation room, park; anything. Very commonly is an area of the home, especially a bedroom, the preferred ideal location. This is because, when situated in an environment one is most familiar and comfortable, there exists less stress or outside influence that may be a distraction. If one is uncomfortable within their own home, a nature setting is always an ideal location, as there exists little to no outside influence from other living beings, and the possibility of picking up on someone else’s spiritual energy is very slim. 


In order to even begin meditating, one must understand and master clearing the mind. For most, this may be gravely challenging and appear impossible. No matter the difficulty, one must not grow impatient. Patience is undoubtedly key. Do not sit down and expect to hit perfect meditation in just 15 minutes. Expect to be trying for an hour for a first time, as not to stress. Do not feel rushed. Angst, frustration, worry; are all unhealthy emotions which distract the body and mind from the task at hand: relaxation. Either sitting in the cobra pose, lying down, emitting sounds through the mouth, one does not need to pose or create noise to meditate, as movies often depict. Meditation, in order to master it, one must position oneself to allow for proper flow of spiritual energy such as seen below: There rests caution not to pick up on other’s energy. Just how we can pick up if someone is upset or happy, these human energies that we can sense (not only emotion; emotion is only an example) and should not allow to distract ourselves or pick up, as the focus is our own body, and not to pick up someone else’s energy. Just like taking a test, do not look at their paper.

Various positions for mediation include the following: yogaSimpleLotusPoseBWyoga-nidra-Everitt-1.jpg0-7645-5116-7_0701.jpg

How it feels to align one’s chakras:


For beginners, I recommend the video Beginners Spoken Guided Meditation »also available under: Quicklinks→Waking Up→Meditation: ||How to Meditate (video)||« When aligning one’s own chakras, the gif below is a great example of how the energy may feel upon touching every chakra. It is of personal belief that, when one can learn meditation and understand oneself on a spiritual level, man may have a chance at finally coming together and trashing war. Such an idea appears impossible, but it definitely is. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, at the moment, there are approximately 917 hate groups within the United States, alone. The human race has much to learn, what with hugging various religions rather than sewing together why and how every religion -if not most- all share at least one very crucial idea. Such will be discussed in following articles.

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